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Last few places for Spanish beginners’ courses
“…just go for it! You will gain so much within such a short time.”
This review from a student speaks for itself. If you want some of this, come and join me in January on my ¡YA HABLO ESPAÑOL! c0urse.
“I simply cannot recommend Victoria more! Having not spoken Spanish for a long time, I felt very nervous about my first class and interaction with Victoria. I really had nothing to worry [More…]
Don’t let your nerves be a barrier to joining a Spanish beginners’ course!
New term starts this week
The autumn term is getting under way this week with Beginners’ classes in Sheffield on Monday and Wednesday. Monday is now full, sorry, and there’s just one place left for Wednesdays. Shout now if you want it!
Then next week we have the online intermediate courses starting too, with ¡YA HABLO ESPAÑOL! starting on 21 September and my Intermediate Course on [More…]
Spanish Beginners’ classes
If you would like to have a 10 minutes chat with me [More…]
¿Qué es el input comprensible?
Para adquirir un idioma debemos estar expuestos a él: leer, escuchar, mirar… pero es fundamental que esto lo hagamos desde un input comprensible. Es decir, adquirimos una lengua cuando comprendemos lo que escuchamos o leemos y eso está contextualizado.
¿Por qué es tan importante el input comprensible? Bueno, cuando somos capaces de entender mensajes en la lengua extranjera nos [More…]
Plastic Buster Pledge
Register now for ¡YA HABLO ESPAÑOL! for autumn 2021
The bad news: the spring course of ¡YA HABLO ESPAÑOL!, my intensive 8 week Spanish course, had filled up weeks in advance. The good news: I’m now taking registrations for the autumn course beginning on 21 September.
Reminder: to register, you need to be free most Tuesdays at 7:30pm UTC+1, then UTC+0 towards the end of the course, for a 75 [More…]
The adventure begins.
Follow us en route from the UK to Gran Canaria, and learn some Spanish along the way…
Comienza el 2021 con un curso intensivo de español online
Estoy encantada de comunicarte el comienzo de mi curso intensivo de español para nivel intermedio. Comenzará el lunes, 25 de enero. Pronto estaremos todos viajando y, mientras esperamos, ¿qué te parece mejorar tu nivel de español y hablarlo con fluidez y naturalidad? Infórmate mejor en ¡YA HABLO ESPAÑOL! y completa esta hoja para matricularte. [More…]